nursing pinning ceremony
Earning a degree in one of SUNY Ulster’s health science programs offers job stability, variety, and the chance to make a difference in the world. Students who enter the healthcare field do so because they want to help change and save the lives of people and animals.
Career prospects in these programs are excellent, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics citing much faster than average growth through 2031. The field is expected to generate 2 million new jobs over the coming decade. For our nursing and coaching programs, this increase in demand is due to the aging of the American population, people living longer, and seeking out treatment for more chronic conditions. And, because pet ownership in the U.S. has grown significantly over the past three decades as well as pet owner perception of them as one of the family, the demand for pet services has expanded.

Take the Next Steps

If you are ready to start your college journey as a health sciences student, check out the programs below, apply, and visit us to learn more. 


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Meet Our Math & Science Faculty

Beth Alden

Linda Loomis

Gerardo Martinez

Maria McCabe

Donna Meier

Ellen Tangney

Sandra Wiltshire


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Academic Opportunities

  • Six-day farm camp at SUNY Delhi as large animal laboratory experience for Vet Tech students


  • Two-day research animal technology camps at SUNY Delhi for Vet Tech students