dark room with computer glowing
This program equips students with essential skills in computer programming, HTML, JavaScript, and web application development frameworks including Ruby on Rails and AngularJS. Designed for a broad range of students, the curriculum lays a solid foundation for developing web applications.
Upon completion, you will be awarded a digital badge that can be added to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

After SUNY Ulster

Completing this microcredential prepares students to begin a career in web application development. The skills acquired are in high demand across educational and financial institutions, as well as small businesses. In addition, the credits earned during this program can also be applied to SUNY Ulster’s Computer Science A.S. program, allowing for further academic progression.

Employment Potential

The demand for web application developers continues to rise as businesses increasingly rely on online platforms. This microcredential offers a pathway to enter the field with a strong portfolio of programming skills
  • Front-end Developer
  • Back-end Developer
  • Full Stack Developer

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