Gain Experience

Intenship Map More and more employers say they want to hire graduates with practical work experience in addition to strong academic preparation. SUNY Ulster's internship program is doing just that.

Internships can be arranged in most programs and fields of study offered at SUNY Ulster. If you want to receive academic credit while gaining valuable professional work experience in today's competitive job market, this is a program for you. Most of these internships are unpaid, but there are some that are paid or offer stipends. (Check out our Internship Map to see where our students are working!!!!)

Get your foot in the door with one of over 250 Internships.

  • Hospitals
  • Human Service Agencies
  • Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
  • Services for the Elderly
  • Counseling Services for Teens
  • Schools
  • Community Based and Non-profit Organizations
  • Arts Institutions
  • Private Sector Businesses
  • Local and State Police Agencies
  • Corrections
  • Law
  • District Attorney's Office
  • Special Investigations
  • Government
  • Theater Production
  • Music
  • Television and Film
  • Fitness Clubs

Some of our placements have included:

  • MTV/VH1
  • Disney Corporation

The requirements for participation in the Student Internship Program are that you have at least a 2.0 GPA and 30 college credits completed.

For further information contact:

Valerie Gambino-Carelli
Coordinator of Fieldwork & Internships
Academic Affairs
Van 246
(845) 687-5239