Accounting Computer Skills

Associate in Science Degree Program

Accounting Computer Skills

14 credit Credential

1-800-724-0833 ext. 5018 or 5022

Program Description

This credential is designed to prepare students for a business career and enables the student to demonstrate competencies to prospective employers in Microsoft Excel and Quickbooks.  Businesses of all types have expressed this need.  This 14-credit credential is designed to fit within SUNY Ulster’s AAS in Business: Accounting degree program as well as the AAS in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies program.  The credential curriculum is composed of four courses:

Student Learning Outcomes

Excel Competencies – BUS 171 Computer Applications for Business

Students will be able to demonstrate that they can:

  • Insert, merge, and copy cells
  • Insert and format rows and columns
  • Format a workbook by applying various cell formatting and conditional formatting
  • Create formulas to calculate and analyze data
  • Create and insert functions: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, IF
  • Format a worksheet for printing including print area, page breaks, print titles, headers and footers.
  • Create and format charts

Excel Competencies – BUS 272 Spreadsheets for Business

Students will be able to demonstrate that they can:

  • Solve a business problem using advanced formulas and functions in Excel
  • Prepare data for analysis by creating Excel tables, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
  • Consolidate information from multiple worksheets and workbooks using 3-D and external references
  • Create and automate tasks with macros
  • Perform complex calculations using logical, conditional, lookup, and nested functions
  • Use financial functions to analyze loans and investments

Basic Accounting Competencies -- ACC 101 Principles of Accounting

Students will be able to demonstrate that they can:

  • Record transactions, maintain a ledger, prepare trial balances, and adjustments. 
  • Prepare an Income Statement (single and multi-step), Owner’s Equity Statement, and Balance Sheet (classified)
  • Prepare closing entries. 
  • Organize, derive, and prepare typical accounting adjustments (accruals and deferrals). 
  • Analyze impact of accounting errors; make necessary correcting entries. 
  • Prepare a bank reconciliation and subsequent journal entries and maintain a petty cash fund as part of an effective system of internal control.
  • Calculate interest and maturity value on notes receivable

Accounting Computer Skills -- ACC 210 Computerized Accounting with QuickBooks Students will be able to demonstrate that they can:

  • Set up a new company for a service or merchandising business, including vendors, customers, items, chart of accounts.
  • Record transactions and prepare financial statement reports in QuickBooks.
  • Record journal entries including adjusting and closing entries.
  • Find and correct errors in the ledger and journal.
  • Complete a bank reconciliation.
  • Prepare and restore a backup file.
  • Export a report to Microsoft Excel.
  • Set up payroll, including employees and taxes, and prepare and complete a payroll process.

Assessment of Competencies – students who wish to earn the Accounting Computer Skills microcredential will pass a Challenge exam with a passing grade of 85 or better, prepared and administered by the Business Department, that demonstrates the competencies according to SUNY criteria for microcredentials; it will not be enough to simply pass the courses in the credential.
This microcredential, awarded after student demonstration of proficiency in accounting and computer skills, recognizes the achievement of competencies that have validity with employers.  This microcredential is not registered with the State Education Department, but serves as SUNY Ulster’s portable evidence of student mastery of these competencies and skills.  For more information, please contact Admissions or Prof. Julie Boice,

Developmental Assistance Available

For students who do not meet basic reading and math requirements or who have other learning issues, extra assistance is readily available through SUNY Ulster's Learning Center, The Gary and Janaki Math Center, the Writing Center, the Peer and Friend Tutor Program, and English as a Second Language (ESL) tutors.

For More Information contact Admissions.