9 credit Credential

1-800-724-0833 ext. 5018 or 5022


Program Description

The microcredential in Leadership, developed with local community partnership, applicable to management and other jobs in business, will enable students to demonstrate competency in the characteristics and behaviors of leaders; understanding of organizational cultural goals, strategies and best practices for good leadership; as well as ways that leaders assess success and pivot to improve. 

This microcredential, earned after student demonstration of proficiency in leadership skills, recognizes the achievement of competencies that have validity with employers.  This microcredential is not registered with the State Education Department, but serves as institutionally recognized portable evidence of student mastery of these competencies and skills.


Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of the microcredential in Leadership, students will be able to:

  • Articulate characteristics and behaviors of leaders
  • Identify key organization cultural goals, strategies, and implementation ideas for good leadership
  • Analyze business scenarios and situations to determine how a good leader would respond
  • Articulate and analyze ways that good leaders can assess success and pivot to improve

Developmental Assistance Available

The Certificate prepares the student for entry level and middle management positions in businesses and other organizations.

For students who do not meet basic reading and math requirements or who have other learning issues, extra assistance is readily available through SUNY Ulster's Center for Academic Planning & Support in VAN 247: caps@sunyulster.edu or (845) 687-5039. 

For more information contact Admissions.