Small Business Management Microcredential

13 credit Credential
1-800-724-0833 ext. 5018 or 5022


Program Description

The Small Business Management microcredential, developed with local community partnership, supports entrepreneurs and small business owners with skills needed to successfully manage a small business, including skills in basic accounting; communication; business correspondence and presentations; management, leadership, and ethics; as well as business law.  The microcredential consists of four courses within the AAS in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies degree program.

This microcredential, earned after student demonstration of proficiency in small business management skills, recognizes the achievement of competencies that have validity with employers and support the success of small businesses.   This microcredential is not registered with the State Education Department, but serves as institutionally recognized portable evidence of student mastery of these competencies and skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of the microcredential in Small Business Management, students will be able to:

  • Understand and apply basic principles and concepts of accounting
  • Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques in organizations, work teams, across cultures,  and via technology
  • Create standard business correspondence and presentations
  • Understand and apply management, leadership, and ethical principles
  • Describe the entrepreneurial mindset and articulate the importance and role of key small business success factors
  • Understand and apply the basic principles of law as they relate to business

Developmental Assistance Available

For students who do not meet basic reading and math requirements or who have other learning issues, extra assistance is readily available through SUNY Ulster's Center for Academic Planning & Support in VAN 247: or (845) 687-5039. 

For more information contact Admissions.

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