Web Application Developer

16-Credit Credential

Admissions: 1-800-724-0833
ext. 5018 or 5022


Program Description
This credential is designed to prepare students for a career in Web Application development.  Educational and financial institutions and small businesses of all types have expressed this need.  This 16-credit program is designed to fit within SUNY Ulster’s A.S. Computer Science and A.S. Computer Science (Online) degree programs. The program curriculum is made up of two courses in Computer Science and two courses in Web Development. 

Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the Web Application Developer Certificate program, a student will be able to

  • Learn the fundamentals of computer programming;
  • Become proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript Web Languages and Web Application Development     Frameworks including Ruby on Rails and AngularJS; 

Employment Potential
Graduates will be prepared for employment as website and web application developers.

Requirements for Program Entry

  • High School diploma or equivalent
  • Satisfactory placement in Entering Student Assessment
    • MAT 115 College Algebra and Trigonometry

Developmental Assistance Available
For students who do not meet basic reading and math requirements, or who have other learning issues, extra assistance is readily available through SUNY Ulster's Learning Center, Patrik Math Center, the Writing Center, the Peer and Friend Tutor Program, and English as a Second Language (ESL) tutors.

For More Information

For more information contact Admissions here or the Department here.

Click on the Course Number for the course description.

Course Number Description Credits
CSC 131 Web Application Development I 4
CSC 150 Computer Science I 4
CSC 132* Web Application Development II 4
CSC 180 Computer Science II 4

*New Courses to be added which can also serve as electives for A.S. Computer Science students

Note: This courses could be taught in conjunction with the ART department.