professor pointing at student and chalkboard
If you’re looking to get a strong foundation in a wide range of disciplines to prepare for your transfer to a four year college or university, this program will provide you with the tools you need. An Associate’s degree in liberal arts will allow you to complete your Bachelor’s degree in a variety of majors.
Heavy emphasis is placed on both humanities electives and social science electives. Humanities electives include courses in the following disciplines: art, 200‐level English, foreign languages, journalism, music, philosophy, speech, and theater. Social science electives include courses in the following disciplines: economics, history, political science, psychology, social science, and sociology.

After SUNY Ulster

This program is designed for students who want to transfer to a four year college or university to earn their four-year degree.

Employment Potential

Graduates of the program who then go on to earn a baccalaureate or higher degree will be qualified for professional positions in their fields of concentration.


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