technology things
This program is tailored for those aiming to start their career as a CNC operator. Students in this program will be provided with hands-on experience and technical knowledge in a highly sought-after field, learning the essential skills of blueprint reading, part design, and CNC machine operation.
Upon completion, you will be awarded a digital badge that can be added to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

After SUNY Ulster

This program will allow you to begin a career or add new skills to your resume that can lead to career advancement. In addition, the credits earned in this program can be applied at any time toward SUNY Ulster’s Manufacturing Certificate program.

Employment Potential

This microcredential opens doors to careers in manufacturing, where precision and skill in CNC operations are crucial. Microcredentials are a good way to demonstrate your mastery of a given skill set and are useful for those seeking new employment or career advancement at their current employment.

  • CNC Operator
  • Machine Operator
  • Manufacturing Technician

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