Honors Studies

SUNY Ulster’s Honors Studies supports a community of academically motivated students, providing them an intellectually stimulating experience that matches their abilities. Students who participate in the program will:

  • Fulfill general education requirements in a customized curriculum.
  • Experience leadership and professional development opportunities.
  • Learn how to network with professionals.
  • Explore academic travel and internship opportunities.
  • Study with other high-achieving students.
  • Gain the academic support and mentorship of a designated Honors Advisor.

Each Honors section has an Honors course designation reflected on the student’s transcript. Students who successfully complete the Honors credit sequence will receive the Honors designation on their diploma at graduation.

Honors Studies at SUNY Ulster are open to students in any program who meet the criteria for admission (see below). Because most programs require students to complete courses in at least 7 of 10 General Education areas, the sequence of Honors courses is based on these requirements.

Criteria for Admission to Honors Classes

Applicants will be subject to qualitative admission standards.

Students will be permitted to enroll in Honors classes only by recommendation of the Honors Program Director. Students will be advised to consider enrolling in other Honors classes if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

Incoming Freshmen

  • The student is a College Scholar, having graduated in the top 10 percent of the high school class.


  • The student has a high school average of 90 or higher and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas.


  • The student has an earned G.E.D. and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas. Additionally, there is some evidence, such as a high standarized test score, to suggest that the student shows academic promise.


  • The student has been home schooled and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subjects. Additionally, there is some evidence, such as a high standardized test score, to suggest that the student shows academic promise.

Early College Students

The advisor for Early College students may recommend Honors courses if a student has a high school average of 90 or higher and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas. Enrollment in Honors courses is only by permission of the Honors Program Director.

Continuing and Transfer Students

A continuing and transfer student may be admitted to participate in Honors courses if the student has a distinguished academic record, with a G.P.A of 3.3 earned in college-level course work, and a grade of B+ or better in ENG 101 or its equivalent. Enrollment in Honors courses is only by permission of the Honors Program Director.

Requirements for Honors Designation at Graduation

In order to receive the Honors designation at graduation, students are required to complete Honors level courses while fulfilling their academic program requirements. Students will choose from the following options:

  1. Honors courses or Honors sections of existing courses in General Education areas such as Humanities, Social Science, Communications, and/or the Arts.
  2. Mathematics courses at the level of MAT 170 and MAT 180 (4 cr.), with a grade of B+ or better, may be substituted for one or more of the areas described above in item 1.
  3. Science courses at the level of BIO 105, BIO 106, BIO 107, BIO 108, CHE 103, CHE 104, CSC 150, CSC 180, ESC 104, ESC 105, PHY 109, and PHY 110 (4 cr.), with a grade of B+ or better, may be substituted for one or more of the offerings described above in item 1.
  4. HON 281 - Honors Themes/Project Seminar (3 cr.) 
  5. Other courses by advisement as approved by the Honors Program Director.

Honors Designations at Graduation

Students must have an overall GPA of 3.3 at graduation in order to earn the Honors Program  designation. Students who earn 18 credits in the Honors sequence will earn the designation of Honors Fellow upon graduation. Students who earn 15 credits in the Honors sequence will earn the designation of Honors Scholar upon graduation. Students who earn 12 credits in the Honors sequence will earn the designation of Honors Associate upon graduation. 

For more information:

Email Jennifer Kaufman at kaufmanj@sunyulster.edu