Jules Albertini

phone icon845-687-5224

office icon Stone Ridge Campus, BUR 107A

Degree Information

  • M.A. in Mathematics, SUNY Binghamton, 1980
  • B.S. in Mathematics, Certification in Education for grades 7-12, SUNY Cortland, 1978

Courses Taught

  • College Mathematics
  • College Algebra
  • Calculus I-III
  • Differential Equations
  • Linear Algebra
  • Statistics

Primary Area of Expertise

All levels of College Mathematics, College Algebra, Calculus I - III, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Statistics.

Honors and Awards

  • Graduated SUNY Cortland with Honors, in the top of my department. 
  • Awarded Felix Bernstein Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematics. 
  • 2009 State University of New York Chancellor’s award for excellence in teaching. 
  • Merit Award from Special Services for the Disabled for Outstanding Services Rendered to
  • Persons with Disabilities, for work teaching Mathematics to the blind. 
  • 2016 SUNY Ulster President’s Cup Award for faculty leadership.

Other Achievements

SUNY Ulster Math Team Developer and Leader.
Designed and built own passive solar home. 
Designed and built own High Efficiency home.