Karen Helgers

phone icon845-688-1581

office icon Stone Ridge Campus, BUR 105E

Degree Information

  • M.S., Environmental Science/Water Resources, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York 
  • B.S., Water Resources, State University of New York, College at Oneonta, New York       

Courses Taught

  • Earth’s Environment
  • Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans
  • Planet Earth
  • Intro to Physical Geography
  • Geology of National Parks

Primary Area of Expertise

Earth and Environmental Science with an emphasis on water resources and human/earth interactions.

Honors and Awards

2005 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

Grants Received

Mini-grant for using personal response systems (clickers) in the classroom 

Volunteer Work or Group Affiliations

Member, Geologic Society of America, and National Association of Geoscience Teachers