Monika Espinasa

phone icon845-851-4022

office icon Stone Ridge Campus, HAR 217

Degree Information

  • BA Biology with honors University of California- Santa Cruz, 1993
  • MS Biology with honors, New York University, 1997
  • ABD, National University of Mexico (Center for Research on Nitrogen Fixation) 1997-2001

Courses Taught

  • General Biology I
  • General Biology II
  • Genetics
  • Environmental Themes

Primary Area of Expertise

Molecular Evolution

Publications and Presentations

  • Hydrogeology of caves in the Sierra de El Abra región. In: Biology and Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish, 2016
  • Distribution and conservation status of Speleonycta ozarkensis (Insecta: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from caves of the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma, 2014
  • New Record of Nicoletia phytophila (Nicoletiidae: Zygentoma: Insecta) from a cave in Belize. Speleobiology Notes, 2013
  • Losing Sight of Regressive Evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 2008
  • Why do cave fish lose their eyes? Natural History, 2005
  • A new cavernicole species of the genus Anelpistina (Insecta: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from the Guánica subtropical dry forest, Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 2003
  • A new species of the genus Anelpistina (Insecta: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from the Biosphere Reserve Sierra de Huautla. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 2001

Grants Received