James Truitt

phone icon845-688-1983

office icon Stone Ridge Campus, HAR 120

Degree Information

Master of Public Administration (MPA), John Jay College of Criminal Justice - 1999
B.S. Police Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice - 1996
A.A.S. Criminal Justice, Dutchess Community College - 1989

Courses Taught

CRJ 214 Perspectives on Police Community Relations
CRJ 215 Constitutional Criminal Procedure
CRJ 233 Ethics in Criminal Justice
Police Basic Training Courses (PBT) Program

Primary Area of Expertise

Community policing
Public service applied ethics
Police use-of-force
Criminal justice administration
Organizational leadership
Critical incident prevention, response and recovery        

Honors and Awards

Various USCG and police service awards

Professional Experience

Over 36 years of public safety and service experience including:  United States Coast Guard, Dutchess County Sheriff Corrections, Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department, and the Red Hook Police Department

Volunteer Work or Group Affiliations

Ulster County Crime Victims Assistance Program
Ulster County Criminal Justice Council
Active Member of SUNY Ulster Campus Governance Leadership
Criminal Justice Educators of New York State (CJENYS)