Christopher Seubert

phone icon845-688-5134

office icon Stone Ridge Campus, Vanderlyn 260B

Degree Information

Master in Fine Arts, The New York Academy of Art, Painting, Cum Laude, 2000
Bachelor in Fine Arts, Pratt Institute, Illustration, With Honors, 1992

Courses Taught

Drawing and Composition I & II
2-D Design
Figure Drawing and Anatomy I & II
Advanced Studio I & II
Fashion Illustration
Foundation Painting
Introduction to Drawing
Pastel Painting
Introduction to Watercolor
Introduction to Printmaking
Portfolio Development
Advanced Figure Drawing and Painting

Primary Area of Expertise

Draftsman, Painter, Printmaker and Educator

Honors and Awards

Recipient of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015
Co-Awarded Title III Mini-Grant, Ulster Community College, 2012

Publications and Presentations

Featured Co-Presenter
10th COIL Conference, NYC, 2015
Kansai COIL Symposium, Kansai Japan, 2014

Guest Lecturer at Historic Wheeling West Virginia, 2014 en plein air painting workshop.

Grants Received

Artist in Residence at Platte Clove Preserve, 2017
The Prince of Wales Institute & the New York Academy of Art, Residence at the Forbes’ Chateau de Balleroy, Normandy France, August 2000

Volunteer Work or Group Affiliations

SUNY Ulster Art Association Advisor


Other Achievements

Program Coordinator, Academic Travel, Adjunct Instructor, Painting and Drawing, Fine Arts Department President, Adjunct Faculty Association, Summer Student Advisor

Leads drawing based study abroad programs to Europe (London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Madrid, and Barcelona).  Has participated in group exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Dahesh Museum in Manhattan and appeared in American Artist Magazine.  Actively exhibits locally in one man and group shows and featured in the emerging artist show at the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY New Paltz.  Guest Lecturer at Historic Wheeling West Virginia, 2014 en plein air painting workshop.  Most recently exhibiting watercolors, oils, drawings and prints at the Stone Ridge Library as their Fall 2017 Artist.