John Sheehan

phone icon845-688-6017

office icon Stone Ridge campus, Hardenbergh 109D

Degree Information

Doctor of Philosophy / Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (in progress)
Master of Business Administration / Management & Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1999
Master of Engineering / Computer and System Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1991
B.S. Electrical Engineering, SUNY New Paltz, 1990                

Courses Taught

CSC 131 - Web Application Development I
CSC 132 - Web Application Development II
CSC 150 - Computer Science I
CSC 180 - Computer Science II
CSC 201 - Computer Science III / Data Structures
CSC 205 - Software Engineering Practices
CSC 210 - Android App Development
CSC 215 - Apple iOS App Development
CSC 260 - Theory & Practice of Object-Oriented Programming

Primary Area of Expertise 

Research interests include Healthcare Informatics and Medical Applications of Semantic Web Technologies, Software Engineering and Technical Entrepreneurship.

Honors and Awards

Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2015-2016

Recent Projects

Researcher for Data Analytics collaboration between Rensselaer and Mount Sinai, funded by the NIH called CHEAR: Child Health Environmental Assessment Resource Program: See link here

Researcher for the Healthy birth, growth and development (HBGD) Data Analytics initiative funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: See link here

Recent Presentations

Semantic Workflows: Capturing and Using Provenance from Scientific Workflows: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Tetherless World Constellation:

Applications of the Semantic Web for Healthcare: Poughkeepsie Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery:

Recent Publications

Addressing Scientific Rigor in Data Analytics using Semantic Workflows” John S. Erickson, John Sheehan, Kristin P. Bennett and Deborah L. McGuinness. ProvenanceWeek 2016.